Golf between dexterity and power

A golfer with a one-handed swing

Eliezer Paul-Gindiri alias Snappy Gilmore

Eliezer Paul-Gindiri nicknamed Snappy Gilmore (an homage to the film Happy Gilmore), is a Nigerian American professional golfer who is known for his distinctive single-handed golf swing.

On February 28, 2021, he posted a video on the social media TikTok where we can see him driving (to swing with a driver) with only one-hand! The shot is really impressive because the ball is going straight and far away. This video has now five millions views and has been watched by everyone on the world.

Snappy Gilmore he was invited in 2022 by PGA of America and PGA Tour to share his technique with other professional golfers. I put you this interesting video below !

2 responses to “A golfer with a one-handed swing”

  1. I’ve seen his videos on TikTok, it’s amazing to swing like he does with 1 hand! Have you ever tried it??


    1. Never tried yet ! I looks really hard to master his technique!


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