Golf between dexterity and power

“Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.”
Johnny Miller, Amercian golf champion

Don’t worry, this man is ok. He just missed his shot…

Things you need to know before playing GOLF

What do you need to get started?

Different types of missed shots in Golf

Yep ! That’s me :D

Bastien MAISSE

Hi! If you clicked on this blog, it is probably to discover this unique sport that is golf. And you know what ? You are in the perfect place ! Let me just introdcuce myself to know me better ! :)

I am a trainee engineer and a sport lover living near Paris.
Since 22 years now, I tried a lot of differents sport like football, horse riding, water polo, kick-boxing but only golf cought my attention. I want, through this blog, to share you exactly my love and my passion to this sport and I hope it will make you want to swing as Tiger Woods.

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