Golf between dexterity and power

What do you need to get started?

The cost.

If you think you need to be as rich as Bill GATES to play golf you are all wrong. In fact, it was true in the past, golf was an elite sport reserved only for the wealthy. However, this is no longer the case today as the sport is much more accessible for everyone. To start golfing, two aspects must be taken into account in terms of cost: the technical and the equipment aspect.

The Practice
Look at the bottom right, a bucket of balls!
No, you do not have the right to do that…

Technical aspect

It is impossible to play golf without knowing how to hit the ball. Why not? Because swinging is a fundamental movement in golf and it is not instinctive. It is therefore necessary to take lessons with a teacher (unless you have a friend who can help you(me :D)). Furthermore, you don’t know the rules about hitting the ball, so you risk to destroy the course by hitting the dirt, and worse, hurting yourself. So you need to spend as much time as possible with a teacher on the course, and also on your own on the “practice“. This is the place where you can buy a bucket of balls (40-50 balls) and then train your swing.

About the cost, firstly you can benefit from free initiations which will familiarize you with the basics of this sport (and knowing if you want to continue or not). After, you can choose between the two packages : 10 individual lessons of about 45 € per hour or 10 to 15 € per hour in group.

About the bucket of balls, it is about 3€ per bucket.

Equipment aspect

It is impossible to talk about golf equipment without talking about the club, the accessory that allows the player to move the ball (I refer you to my post on “golf equipment“). You can hire equipment from your club, and this will cost you approximately €15 per 18 holes, plus €5 for the trolley. However, the best is to buy your own clubs and trolley. At Decathlon you can buy 7 clubs (driver, hybrid, iron 7 and 9, a pitch, a sand-wedge and a putter) for only 170€ (140€ during black friday 😉 ).

4 responses to “What do you need to get started?”

  1. Nice job Bastien, I will try golf soon!


    1. I think I will organize with our class an afternoon in April (when it will be warmer outside ahah) where we will go in a golf! I will try to learn you how to swing 😉


  2. Hi Bastien, have you ever tried playing with Decathlon clubs? Are they of good quality?


    1. Actually, I bought my clubs at Decathlon and they are really worth it if you want to begin in Golf (and have your own clubs). Of course, they are not perfect but they are perfect for occasional golf game ;).


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