Golf between dexterity and power

Introduction of Golf

Tom Watson

“Golf is very simple: you hit the ball and then you look for it.”

Tom Watson, American champion

Tom Watson has made history in the 1970s and 1980s. He was considered as the world’s number one between 1978 and 1982.
About his quote: More you train and less you look for your ball ;)

Yep! That’s me shooting with a driver 😀
Not me 😉

Golf, a worldwide sport

With 90 million players, Golf is the most practiced individual sport in the world, with more than 437,000 licensed players in France in 2021, making it the 4th largest sport, with 800,000 regular players!

Actually, Golf is accessible to everyone regardless of age. The only difficulties come from the technique, the strategy and the knowledge in its own capacities.
Indeed, it is just a sport of ball throwing but it is still required to be in a good physical condition. Otherwise, it will be difficult to walk about 8km on a course of 18 holes.

A complex but wonderful sport

This is both the beauties and the complexities of this fine game, which is not always easy to understand for the layman, even though it is certainly one of the simplest sports activities. And I swear I do not overemphasize! I mean, what could be easier than throwing a ball from point A to point B with an improved metal stick?

The throw, called “swing” is a technical and complete movement, requiring qualities of coordination and precision. Don’t worry, I will have the opportunity to present it to you in more detail in a “learning golf” post.

Until this post is online, I let you admire the 4 pictures of professional golfers on the left and say see you soon for my next post! (In comment, try to guess about the next subject of my blog :D).

12 responses to “Introduction of Golf”

  1. I didn’t know it was the most practiced sport in the world! Thank you for making us discover this beautiful sport.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry to disappoint you Martin but Golf is not the most practiced sport in the world because Football is. However, Golf is the most practiced individual sport in the world 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful blog ! Who is your favorite player ?? I think that the next subject is about Tiger Woods !


    1. Thank you so much Kilian! It is obviously Tiger Woods haha. Have you ever tried to play golf ? 😀


  3. Avatar

    Golf is all about luck man


    1. I would say “Golf is all about skill with a touch of luck” 😉


  4. Very interesting! Can’t wait to read your “learning golf” post!


    1. Thank you so much Alexis ! 3 new posts are available now : ” Glossary-Golf Terms” “Rules of the game” and “Golf Equipment”. I hope they will interest you as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, i have to try for the first time golf, I hope I won’t broke the iron golf club


    1. Hi Clément ! I think I will organize an afternoon in April/May near Polytech in order to learn to some of you how to swing! (and don’t worry you’ll not broke your iron club, but your arm yes if you try ahah).

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am imprest at how at ease you look with that driver. It looks like an extension of your body, I bet you hit 500 yds effortlessly!


    1. Hahah thank you so much Axel ! In fact, no I don’t have the swing end the strenght to go that far :/


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